Sugar Sugar, da da da da da da, oh Honey Honey….

by Jill Radabaugh on September 25, 2011

I have been avoiding sugar for about six weeks or so.  I have lost eleven pounds, thankfully.  The first three days, I had a terrible headache, probably from withdrawal.  I believe I was addicted to sugar, sweets, chocolate, carbs…  Now, I feel better and I really don’t crave anything.  This is the first time in my life, I remember not having food cravings.  I am not proclaiming a lifetime decision, but for now, I am really loving the way I feel.

Here is one of my healthy, no-sugar recipes.

“THE PUMPKIN SMOOTHIE”  1 C Plain Greek Yogurt, 1/2 C Pumpkin Puree, 1 Banana, 2 tsp Almond Butter (or 1 scoop protein powder), 1/2 C Vanilla Soy Milk, 1/4 t Pumpkin Pie Spice.  Liquify in Blender and enjoy!  I freeze a few for  later.  I hope you try it!

I would love to encourage others, to look at the things or the people, which are dominating their thoughts.  We get to choose what we think about, what we do or don’t obsess about, and where we spend our time, for the most part.  If our thoughts are overwhelming, there is help to be found in music, nature, books, a great therapist or a positive thinking loved one.  Jump out of the trap, and free yourself!

Remember to be gentle with yourself.  My Dear Husband keeps telling me that this is a marathon, not a sprint.  I keep telling myself, that slow and steady wins the race.

Have a beautiful autumn for yourself!!!







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